Ep 44: Dr. ACE on Naturopathic Medicine, Fake Sugars and How Your Body Can Heal Itself

The Squad Room show

Summary: I love it when I meet people who know their “why.” People who are bursting at the seems with joy about their Why, their purpose on Earth and their goal in life. People who live their Why everyday make me happy.<br> <br> Dr. ACE is one of those people…<br> <br> Dr. Alexandra Carswell Engle (Dr. ACE) is a Board Certified, Licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor who specializes in personalized natural medicine, including joint, gastrointestinal and hormonal health as well as regenerative and athletic performance medicine.<br> <br> Huh ?<br> <br> I had to dig a little deeper to figure out what that all meant but basically Dr. ACE is a “real” doctor like your General Practitioner PLUS extra schooling in Pharmacology and other areas that makes her, well, pretty badass.<br> <br> Plus, she’s a pretty kickass CrossFit coach and OPEX client (see James FitzGerald’s episode for more on OPEX).<br> <br> In this episode we cover a wide array of topics but they all center around how to take control of your health and wellness:<br> <br> * Vitamins you might be missing in your supplements.<br> * How is a naturopathic doctor different than your doctor.<br> * Supplements – why your favorite whey protein might just be killing you with neurotoxins.<br> * The benefits of <a href="http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-953-ASHWAGANDHA.aspx?activeIngredientId=953&amp;activeIngredientName=ASHWAGANDHA">ashwagandha</a>.<br> * How to solve the problem, not just the symptom.<br> <br> Check her out on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/regeneratehealthmc">Facebook </a><br> Her website is <a href="http://www.RegenerateHealthMC.com/">RegenerateHealthMC.com</a><br> Dr. ACE’s <a href="https://twitter.com/regeneratehmc">Twitter</a>, <a href="https://www.instagram.com/regeneratehealthmc/">Instagram </a><br> <br> Follow The Squad Room on <a href="https://twitter.com/thesquadroom">Twitter</a> and <a href="https://www.instagram.com/thesquadroom/">Instagram</a> @thesquadroom<br> <br> The Squad Room website is <a href="http://www.thesquadroom.net">www.thesquadroom.net</a><br> <br> Please consider leaving a review on iTunes or the player of your choice.<br> <br>