Ep 62: Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman on the Bulletproof Mind

The Squad Room show

Summary: Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman doesn’t need much of an introduction to law enforcement in the free world. The originator of the “sheepdog” mentality, Lt. Col. Grossman literally wrote the book on that theory. It’s part of his first book, “On Combat” which is a must read for LEOs.<br> Click <a href="https://www.killology.com/sheep-wolves-and-sheepdogs">here</a> for the excerpt from “On Combat” that explains the theory of <a href="https://www.killology.com/sheep-wolves-and-sheepdogs">Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs</a>.<br> Click <a href="http://amzn.to/2oCz0u1">here</a> to buy On Combat (note: affiliate link)<br> Grossman travels over 300 days a year speaking to law enforcement about the importance of the Bulletproof Mind, his version of resilience. If you haven’t seen him speak, I cannot recommend it enough. I attended his 8 hour class as a (much) younger officer and it changed how I train and go about my days. Even in this episode, I repeat stuff back to him that I learned in his class.<br> Here are just some of the things we talk about:<br> <br> * What is the Bulletproof Mind<br> * How do you build resilience.<br> * What you should be doing daily to be prepared.<br> * Why he agrees that we must “fight in the shade.”<br> * The importance of sleep in resilience.<br> * How controlling your breath can control the fight.<br> * Why your hobbies should reinforce your training.<br> * His ideas for the next generation of school security.<br> * Where do we need to go with our training to address the newer threats to officer safety.<br> <br> Lt. Col. Grossman is always good for an interesting quote and we got quite a few.<br> “Our product under stress is a direct result of our training.”<br> “If you don’t have a hammer, nothing looks like a nail.”<br> Lt. Col. Grossman mentions several companies and resources in this episode. Here’s the links:<br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hero911/id724001857?mt=8">Hero911 App </a>(iTunes link)<br> <a href="http://www.guard911.com/">Guard911.com  </a>– The parent company of Hero911 with training for LEOs and others.<br> <a href="http://www.truarmor.com/">Clear-Armor.com </a>– Laminate adhesive for windows for added security and protection.<br> <a href="http://sheepdogknifeandgun.com/">Sheepdogknifeandgun.com </a>– Dave’s own knife and gun business co-owned with his son Jon.<br> <a href="http://amzn.to/2pE681Z">Sabre Red Pepper Spray Gel </a>(affiliate link) – Grossman recommends that every teacher carry this at all times. Makes sense.<br> <a href="http://www.templariss.com/">Templariss.com </a>– Retinal scanner for gun safes that Grossman advocates keeping in each school.<br> If you like what you heard, please consider sharing this episode with a friend, co-worker, or loved one.<br> Follow me on <a href="https://twitter.com/thesquadroom">Twitter</a> and <a href="https://www.instagram.com/thesquadroom/">Instagram</a> @thesquadroom<br> Thanks for listening. Stay safe and take care of each other.<br>  <br>  <br>  <br>  <br>  <br>  <br>