Ep 19: In the Beginning

The Game Engine show

Summary: This week, the Game Engine Podcast leaps into the way-back machine to look at the conception of games. Convict Interactive devs Tim Taylor and Stephen Barnes join GEP regulars Andrew Bittman, Dan Graf, Saul Alexander and Paul Sztajer to yabber about just where the heck good games start, pre-prototype, pre-anything-at-all, really. How does theĀ Spermatozoa of a Darn Fine Idea enter the Egg of Actualisation, the first step on its journey to becoming the quirky-yet-stylish Game That People Actually Want to Play. How can Tim, Paul and Dan possibly have so much to say on this topic, refusing to progress the topic along the Pre-appointed Schedule of Doom? And how tired does Saul have to be before his episode descriptions descend into random gibberish? Learn all this and maybe even some interesting stuff: right here, right now, in Episode 19. Also, before all that beautiful nonsense, we do some news and talk about some games: First we talk about the spoof trailer for Video Game Journalism: The Movie, which you should watch right now. Then we admire the latest Humble (Introversion) Bundle for giving buyers access to the source code of a bunch of games. And finally, we remark on a few games weve played and liked this week, namely: These Robotic Hearts of Mine, Rochard and Saints Row: The Third. Please enjoy, and come back next week for our 20th episode super-special, where were going to attempt (probably) the first ever game of Game Development Bingo! Yes, weve finally flipped.