Ep 20: Game Development Bingo!

The Game Engine show

Summary: Twenty episodes without missing a week feels like an achievement (the real kind, not a stupid badge). So we decided to try something a little wacky and different this week. Dum dum dum ... Game Dev Bingo! How does it work? First, we broke our stupid number of hosts record by squeezing seven sweaty geeks into a booth. That sounds gross. Actually, we werent that sweaty, but it did get a bit warm by the end, and a few brains attempted meltdown at various points, as did Dans phone. Next, each of us produced a list of our top 5 game development tips, which wed prepared earlier. Then we went around in a clockwise direction, announcing and then discussing each of our tips in turn. If someone announced one substantially similar to one on your list, you crossed it off. The first person to get through their whole list was the winner. Or maybe the loser, we couldnt decide. But that wasnt the point. The point is that we had an awesomely wide-ranging discussion on game development best practices, and covered way more ground in an episode than usual. It was so successful that I suspect well be incorporating some aspects of the game into every episode from now on. New format, yo. Our esteemed guests this week were  Tim Grant (Puny Human Games), Paul Gray (Bubblegum Interactive) and Tim Taylor (Convict Interactive). The GEP’s social media, as always, consists of our RSS Feed, iTunes iFeed, Facebook like-magnet and Twitter followdome. We’ve even got an email address (gameenginepodcast@gmail.com), and we’d love to hear from you on any or all of the above with your thoughts on past, present and future topics. As always, a special Bingo thanks to Jordan Darcy for his help with the audio editing.