Episode 25: *drum roll* Are Games Art?

The Game Engine show

Summary: In this episode of the Game Engine Podcast, Andrew, Saul and Paul bite the bullet and definitively answer that fateful question: Are videogames art? When Roger Ebert famously declared that games could not be considered art, many leapt onto soapboxes, outraged, and pointed their fingers at this game or that as an example of why what he said could not be true. Most of what they put forward, it has to be said, was shrill and poorly-argued. Was Roger right? Or were his critics justified in their whining? No-one has yet been able to settle the matter once and for all. Until now. Truly, this is our finest hour. Donning our Bullshit-Proof Overcoats, we venture into territory where few have dared to tread. We tie on our Skis of Infallibility and slalom unflinchingly down the treacherous slippery slope of Mount Truth, sailing through gate after gate with supreme precision. When we reach the bottom, we pin down the Butterfly of Art with a single stroke, before finally pulling back the Blanket of Eternity and putting this baby to bed. Are our conclusions correct? Yes. But wed still like to hear what you think, via the usual channels of Facebook, Twitter , email (gameenginepodcast@gmail.com), and or Google+. And we love suggestions for new topics, several of which weve previously used. This one, for example, was suggested by the indomitable Harrison. Thanks for having faith in us, mate. We hope the discussion was all that you hoped for. To save yourself visiting this fugly website too often you can watch for new podcasts on our RSS Feed or by subscribing on iTunes.