Markus Silpala on DevOps and the 3 Faces of Agile at Agile2016

Agile Amped Podcast - Inspiring Conversations show

Summary: <br> <div><font><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Markus Silpala is all about bringing the learning and growth that Agile dev teams have experienced over the past decade into the IT and infrastructure part of the equation. His session at Agile2016 was called "Making Infrastructure as Awesome as Agile Software". Markus experienced first hand why bringing the infrastructure into the Agile development workflow is so difficult. When the team he was working with got a taste of the Ops side of the release, they decided they didn't want any part of it and was hoping another team could do it. In other words, this Agile team wanted to re-instantiate a silo--but for legitimate reasons, some of which Markus covered: DevOps tooling isn't as developed and the domain of skill for DevOps adds a whole new level of complexity to developing.</span></font></div><br> <div><font><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;"><br> <br></span></font></div><br> <div><font><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Markus goes on to touch on the 3 types of Agile: Process Agile, Technical Agile and Mindset Agile. Process is just the entry point and naturally arises when you grok Technical and Mindset Agile well. But people tend to get stuck on Process Agile because it's easier to walk through the paces and doesn't really require any internalization.</span></font></div><br> <div><font><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;"><br> <br></span></font></div><br> <div><font><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">SolutionsIQ's Howard Sublett hosts at Agile2016 in Atlanta, GA.</span></font></div><br> <div><font><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;"><br> <br></span></font></div><br> <div><font><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">About Agile Amped</span></font></div><br> <div><font><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">The Agile Amped podcast series connects the community through compelling stories, passionate people, shared knowledge, and innovative ideas. Fueled by inspiring conversations with industry thoughtleaders, Agile Amped offers valuable content – anytime, anywhere. To receive real-time updates, subscribe at YouTube, iTunes or</span></font></div><br> <div><font><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Subscribe:,,</span></font></div><br> <div><font><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Follow: </span></font></div><br> <div><font><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Like:</span></font></div>