DBS Bank’s Agile Transformation to Make Banking Joyful

Agile Amped Podcast - Inspiring Conversations show

Summary: <p>Seven and a half years ago when Paul Cobban started with DBS Bank in Singapore, the company was struggling with customer satisfaction. Since then the bank has gone from "damn bloody slow" to wowing customers. The driven factor for this was the Agile transformation that Paul Cobban has been heading up and for an ambitious vision by the bank's CEO: making banking joyful. To achieve that end, the organization went on the offensive against waste. By bringing together cross-functional teams to find and eliminate waste (a la Kaizen), they were able to eliminate 250 million Customer Hours (each hour that each customer has to wait for a result) in just two years!<br><br>Then DBS used Design Thinking to create customer journeys, empathize with them and thus create solutions to their real-life problems. To date, DBS Bank has run upwards of 400 of these customer journey programs guided by Design Thinking.<br><br>SolutionsIQ's Josh Fruit hosts at Business Agility 2017 in New York City.<br><br>About Agile Amped<br>The Agile Amped podcast series brings Agile news and events to life. Fueled by inspiring conversations, innovative ideas, and in-depth analysis of enterprise agility, Agile Amped provides on-the-go learning – anytime, anywhere. To receive real-time updates, subscribe!<br>Subscribe: <a class="yt-uix-servicelink" href="http://bit.ly/SIQYouTube">http://bit.ly/SIQYouTube</a>, <a class="yt-uix-servicelink" href="http://bit.ly/SIQiTunes">http://bit.ly/SIQiTunes</a>, <a class="yt-uix-servicelink" href="http://www2.solutionsiq.com/subscribe-to-agile-amped-youtube">http://www2.solutionsiq.com/subscribe...</a><br>Follow: <a class="yt-uix-servicelink" href="http://bit.ly/SIQTwitter">http://bit.ly/SIQTwitter</a> <br>Like: <a class="yt-uix-servicelink" href="http://bit.ly/SIQFacebook">http://bit.ly/SIQFacebook</a></p>