LOTSL 19 Annoying Co-Workers from HELL!

lotsl show

Summary: Welcome to today's special LOTSL guest, Yasmamadoo from North Carolina!  Yazzy joins in as the LOTSL gang discusses CO-WORKERS FROM HELL!!! Jay begins with a rant about Chick Fil-A and how he's so done with it.  A brief discussion of politics and fried chicken follows.  Then, Peter leads us into the main topic which is, ANNOYING CO-WORKERS FROM HELL! Know-it-alls!  Slackers! The Grumps!  The Speaker-phone fanatics!  The Blabber-mouths!  The Oft-Injured and the Scammers!  Co-workers with allergies!!  Co-workers that SIGH right in your face!!!  Our arch-nemises at work are all revealed!  How do we all deal with all of this???  The LOTSL crew tells you how!  Listen and learn, people!  All this and more on today's LOTSL! This episode's LOTSL role call: Brend Boo! Jay the Hauntcub! That PeterG! Timmy Simms! Toppie Smellie! Wes Stone! And featuring our Special guest: Yasmamadoo! Remember to subscribe to Life On the Shit List by searching for LOTSL on ITunes! Rss feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Lotsl Write to the Shit-Listers at LifeOnTheShitList@gmail.com Call the LOTSL Listener line: 949-41-LOTSL