Episode 3: Assessing the Labor Market and Getting to Full Employment

On The Economy show

Summary: After Jared and Ben give an overview of what full employment is and why it’s important, Slate’s Jordan Weissmann joins them to discuss some of the Trump Administration’s comments about the labor market and how policymakers should think about increasing employment opportunities for people. Musical Interlude: “Driftin’” by Herbie Hancock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wcYrx4d3Jg Jared’s Reading Recommendation: “Why I Voted to Keep Rates Steady” by Neel Kashkari https://medium.com/@neelkashkari/why-i-voted-to-keep-rates-steady-f032461ed0a7#.wpo9fklbb Ben’s Reading Recommendation: “Why We Need a Federal Job Guarantee” by Mark Paul, William Darity Jr., and Darrick Hamilton https://www.jacobinmag.com/2017/02/federal-job-guarantee-universal-basic-income-investment-jobs-unemployment/