Arianna Huffington Talks Burnout, Death, & The Power of Sleep

Blinkist Podcast - Interviews | Personal Development | Productivity | Business | Psychology show

Summary: In her book The Sleep Revolution, Huffington Post Editor-in-Chief Arianna Huffington succinctly sums up the argument she’s been making in books and speeches for almost a decade now. Why should we fundamentally change the way we think about sleep? “Come for the job-enhancing benefits,” she says, “stay for the life-enhancing opportunities.” Huffington’s sleep revolution isn’t just about convincing people to sleep more so that they’re more productive and healthy. The sleep revolution is about recognizing that we’re sacrificing ourselves too much. We’re not living the right way, and as a result of too much work, too little sleep, too much stress, too little nourishment, we’re suffering. So the sleep revolution is really about changing the way we think about our days and our lives. Instead of sacrificing our health to cram in more hours at the office, we have re-organize and re-prioritize how we spend our time. That way, we can work our best and still have time to take care of ourselves, get a full night’s sleep, and, you know, be happy. In this interview you’ll find out Huffington’s sleep ritual, what to do with your alarm clock, and why the sleep revolution is so important to her (and to us!). If you’re at your desk and don’t have headphones with you, you can read a full transcript of the interview with Huffington here: And hop on over to iTunes to give us a review if you liked it: That excellent intro and outro music you heard is by Nico Guiang. You can find more of it on Soundcloud [@niceaux] and Facebook [].