DKSP EP03: Your Questions on How to Create a High Quality Private Blog Network

DKSpeaks Podcast: Internet Marketing, Blogging and Social Media Tips show

Summary: <br> This is the 3rd and the final part in the “How to Create a Private Blog Network” series of episodes. If you haven’t listened to the earlier episodes, I will recommend that you first listen to them to understand the details of a private blog network and how to set one up for you own use.<br> In this final part I will be answering some of the questions that I received after the 1st 2 episodes. These are some of the best questions and the ones that were asked by more than 1 person. There were many more that I had received but since I couldn’t cover all of them and also since a lot of them were on aspects that I had explained in detail in the earlier episodes, I had to discard a few of them.<br> If you still have any questions, you can write to me using the contact form here and I will respond to them as soon as possible.<br> Show notes and Transcripts for this Episode<br> Okay! So let’s get started and get straight onto the questions.<br> How many backlinks will I need in order to get my site on the 1st page of Google?<br> It entirely depends upon your niche and the competition in your niche. If you niche is not too competitive you could do with about 10-12 backlinks. But if it is too competitive it might mean a lot of backlinks. There is no hard and fast rule to this though.<br> But my recommendation is to first research your niche well and see the strength of your competition. Review the search results on Google for your primary keywords. Evaluate the DA, PA, TF and CF for the results. You can install a toolbar called as Mozbar which gives you all these details about your search results on the search results itself. Plan from there on.<br> How many blogs should I build in a particular niche specific PBN?<br> This is again a contextual question and I will say that there is no hard and fast rule to it. I started seeing results to one of my niche blogs in the personality development niche with just about 6 blogs and about 30 articles in total in them.<br> I would recommend that you start building it slowly. Don’t go all out buying domains and building blogs. Start with 1-2 blogs a month and monitor the results. Then build another couple of them the next month and so on.<br> Are you sure Google will not penalize me?<br> If you follow the guidelines and don’t leave footprints for Google to come back to you, there is no chance that you will be penalized.<br><br> When Google penalized PBN a few months back it had a pattern to the sites that got penalized. They were either overdoing it or, just not doing it the right way. Most of the networks that got penalized were the ones that had a little too many outbound links. So one of the biggest recommendation is to ensure that you are limiting the number of outbound links on your PBN. IF possible link to only one money site from each blogs in a PBN.<br> Another thing that you should keep in mind is to not share your network. Whatever the reason, don’t be tempted to share your network with anyone. This in turn means that you are restricting the number of backlinks from each of your blogs.<br> Do I need to build links to the blogs in the PBN as well?<br> This is a nice question. In order to maintain the authority of the domain on which you are running your PBN blog, it is recommended that you build links to them as well.<br> In fact I recommend that you build a tiered linking to your PBNs as well. So if you have 10 blogs in your network, build a tiered backlinking. This means build 5 backlinks to your money site from 5 of the domains. Then build links to these 5 domains from the rest of the 5 blogs.<br> You could also build backlinks using sources like Web 2.0 Sites, Social Bookmarking sites, Social Networking sites, Article sites, PR sites etc. You can find a lot of fiverr sellers who can do this for you for only 5 bucks.<br> You could even buy a link pyramid package for about $5 at Fiverr and us...