DKSP EP04: 5 Steps to an Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy

DKSpeaks Podcast: Internet Marketing, Blogging and Social Media Tips show

Summary: <br> In this 4th episode of the DKSpeaks Podcast, we are going to be discussing about social media marketing and how to build a strong and effective social media marketing strategy.<br> With Google coming up with frequent updates to their algorithm and with the increasing relevance to social media presence and social media signals, it is becoming more and more important to have a strong social media strategy for your business. All the on-page search engine optimization factors are just not enough these days to get ranked on Google. In addition to all the link building that you are doing, it is also important to have strong social signals pointing to your sites, if it is to be considered worthy of ranking on search engines.<br> This has in fact led to every website owner rushing over to the social media sites and submitting content like crazy with the expectation that some of it will get picked up and shared by people and that it will go viral, sending out strong social signals to their websites. And this in turn will please the Google gods who will then rank their site on the first page. But this doesn’t happen.<br> People waste their time and money on all these efforts and finally quit, complaining that nothing works.<br> Why are these people failing?<br> What’s the mistake that they are doing?<br> Social media marketing is just like any other project. And I am sure that you will agree that you need a strong plan for any project to succeed. It is no different with your social media strategy. You need a strong social media marketing plan, if you are to succeed at social media.<br> And creating a strong social media marketing plan is not difficult if you follow these 5 simple steps. In this episode we will learn these 5 simple steps to creating a strong and effective social media marketing strategy.<br> 5 Steps to an Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy – Podcast Notes<br> These 5 steps that we are going to discuss today is a proven method in creating an effective social media strategy. It is extremely simple and easy if you follow it in the same sequence as we show here. You will get extremely good ROI from your social media efforts if you follow these steps to the T and don’t skip any of these.<br> So with that being said, let us jump straight into the 5 steps to creating an effective social media marketing plan.<br> Step 1 – Create a Detailed Social Media Objectives and Goals<br> This is the foundation of your social media strategy. You need to have a detailed document on your Social Media Objectives and the goals that you plan to achieve.<br> When it comes to objectives, most people will go about writing down objectives like, “I will tweet 10 times in a day regularly without missing a single day” or, “I will post consistently 5 times a day for the next 5 months”. These are not objectives. Your objective has to be the end result that you want to achieve with your social media marketing plan.<br> It could vary depending upon what you want to get out of your efforts on social media channels. Your social media objective could be to generate leads, maybe 10000 leads in a month or, it could be to double your sales by the end of the month. Whatever your objective is, you need to write it down in your planner along with clear goals that you want to achieve, so that you are able to track your success.<br> Keep in mind that these objectives of yours need to be aligned with your long term goals, else you will find yourself running in an entirely different direction to your broader goals.<br> Step 2 – Evaluate Your Current Situation<br> I am sure you are doing something on social media sites right now as a part of your social media marketing plan. But it is not effective, which is why you are listening to this podcast.<br> So before you formalize your new plan, you need to know where you stand today in terms of your social media pr...