DKSP EP05: How to Stay Organized and Productive in Internet Marketing

DKSpeaks Podcast: Internet Marketing, Blogging and Social Media Tips show

Summary: <br> One of the biggest problems that most people face in internet marketing is in staying productive. Because there is no schedules to govern you and because there is no laid out activities for you to do, most people find it difficult to stay organized and be productive.<br> In episode 5 of “The DKSpeaks Podcast” we will be talking on how to stay organized and Productive in your business.<br> Show Notes and Transcript<br> One of the biggest problems that I faced when I jumped into Internet Marketing was the difficulty in staying productive.<br> Internet Marketing is a very simple business and just as everything else, it is the simplest things that we tend to ignore and miss out on. I still remember, one of my early mentors asking me, “Do you know how much a morning walk can benefit you?”<br> I said, “Yes, absolutely!”<br> He asked, “What is the most difficult part about walking – the activity”.<br> I replied, “Nothing. It is so simple. You just need to walk.”<br> He then smiled and asked me, “So, do you go for a morning walk”.<br> I reluctantly replied, “No.. but that is because I have…”<br> And before I could continue, he interrupted me and said,”Everyone knows the benefit of a morning walk and the goodness it can bring to your body. It is probably one of the simplest things to do because there is nothing complex about it. Yet hardly anybody does it. Do you know why?”<br> I nodded in a “No”.<br> He continued, “It is because the simplest things tend to take the last position in your to-do list. Because it is simple. And these simplest things are the ones that can be best pushed the next day because they are too simple to be done today.”<br> It is true.<br> The problem with internet marketing is the fact that there is no monetary investment and this is one of the biggest reasons why we tend to be lazy. But only if we could picture the reasons why we set out to start an internet marketing business, we would not push another task to tomorrow and instead complete it today.<br> On that note, let’s start episode 5.<br> How to Stay Organized and Productive in Internet Marketing?<br> As a blogger, I am almost always impacted by the problem of procrastination. The tomorrow that I pushed that post to never comes and I end up staying up late in the night writing, editing and publishing my posts. This again leads to a multitude of problems – like lack of quality, poor presentation, inadequate coverage of the topic etc.<br> A couple of years ago, I read about this nice little technique called “Pomodoro Technique”. This is one of the best and proven methods to improve productivity developed somewhere in the 80s.<br> It follows a simple methodology. It uses a timer to break down your work into small intervals, traditionally about 25 minutes, followed by a 5 minute break. It is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility.<br> This technique has a lot of benefits. It makes you stick to a schedule. It stimulates your brain cells to think. It brings that sense of urgency and above all it improves productivity like you would have never imagined.<br> So this is how the technique works:<br> <br> * You decide on the task that you would want to do – in our case write a blog post.<br> * Set your timer to 25 minutes.<br> * Start writing your post. Just write. Don’t bother editing or, correcting or, even checking the sentence structure or, grammar. Work until the timer rings<br> * Take a short break. I usually take about 10 minutes break.<br> * Come back on time and start again.<br> * Repeat this until 4 such productive intervals. After that you can take a long break of about 30 minutes.<br> <br> There is a slight twist that I added to this. I time myself to finish my post in the first 2 intervals,