DKSP EP08: How to Find Content Ideas for Your Next Killer Blog Post?

DKSpeaks Podcast: Internet Marketing, Blogging and Social Media Tips show

Summary: <br> Welcome to Episode 8 of the DKSpeaks Podcast.<br> Blogs thrive on fresh content and it is this fresh content that lies at the core of Blogging. One of the biggest reasons why blogs fail, after traffic problems of course, is the drought for fresh content.<br> People start of blogging only to realize that after about a couple of months, they have nothing to write. The frequency of their posts drop and this in turn reduces the traffic even further leading to a gradual death of the blog.<br> How to you find fresh content for your blog?<br> What will you write about?<br> Why will somebody read your post?<br> In this episode of The DKSPeaks Podcast we will talk about, “How to Find Content Ideas for Your Next Killer Blog Post”.<br> How to Find Content Ideas for Your Next Blog Post?<br> Blogging is all about story-telling. And the popularity of your blog entirely depends upon how well you tell a story. If you make a list of about 20 good blogs and read them regularly, you will find that all of these blogs pretty much cover the same topic. The only difference is the way they present it.<br> If you watched the latest movie “Jurassic World”, you will be able to relate to what I am saying. The storyline of the movie is pretty much on the same lines as that of the earlier ones. It was just about the way the story was told. And we know what the movie did at the BOX Office. And this is precisely what every movie reboots do. They pick a hit formula and retell the story. If they are able to present the story in a more engaging way, the movie is a hit, else it flops.<br> Do this to blogging. Retell stories in a better and more engaging way and people will come.<br> Let’s get onto some actionable steps in finding content for your next blog post.<br> The first question is – where will you find topics for good content? How do you know if this piece of content will do well?<br> We will go by the assumption, “past experiences are a good indication for the future“.<br> I use 2 sources to find good topics for my blog posts – Buzzsumo and aHrefs.<br> Buzzsumo is an excellent tool to find top content that are viral and has been shared on social media sites a lot. You can search with any keyword and there are lot of search operators with the help of which you can refine your search. Buzzsumo searches for articles, infographics, guest posts, interviews, videos etc.<br> The simple trick that I follow is to search for content that was published at least a year back. Pick the top content and read through it and by the time you have finished reading it, I am sure you will have your next blog post idea and maybe a couple more for the next week.<br> Ahrefs content explorer is a similar tool as Buzzsumo. They too give you a list of content based on your search criteria. I found this content explorer tool much more accurate than Buzzsumo and hence prefer using it. Follow the exact same process as we did in Buzzsumo.<br> There are a few other tools as well that you can use to find content gems. I like  using these to find good content. There are basis content aggregators that will send you some of the latest and best on topics of your choice.<br> Alltop is my favorite. At alltop you can get a list of the best content on a certain topic. This can serve an a good inspiration for your next blog post.<br> Some other similar tools include Content Gems, Zite, Flipboard and Prismatic.<br> Another good place to search for your blog post idea is Quora. Quora is a question board where people ask questions and others answer. People also vote up and down the questions and answers that they found useful and informative. If you are frequent on this board, you will find a lot of good topics, in fact questions that people are searching answers for. One of these could be the topic for your next blog post.<br> Once you have your blog post idea, it is just about writing it,