DKSP EP09: Making Money with FIVERR – The Best Option to Start Making Money!

DKSpeaks Podcast: Internet Marketing, Blogging and Social Media Tips show

Summary: <br> Before we get onto today’s episode, I wanted to let you all know about a few changes that I am making to this show here. As per all the requests and suggestions that I received, we are moving to a weekly frequency from the next episode onwards. We are also changing the day on which we telecast the show from a Sunday to a Wednesday. So The DKSpeaks Podcast will now be available on all Wednesdays.<br> This would mean that the next episode will be telecast on the Wednesday of the next week.<br> I hope you all like these changes. Feel free to write to me about your thoughts, comments, suggestions and feedbacks.<br> With that said, let us get onto today’s Episode of THE DKSpeaks Podcast.<br> Today’s topic is – Making Money with Fiverr: Why FIVERR Could Be Your Best Option to Start Making Money Online?<br> FIVERR has had its share of controversies with a lot of people complaining about the quality of services being offered there. You can call it the $5 value and would proudly justify it with the quote, “what you get is what you pay for”. But if that true?<br> With markets becoming more of a buyers market and every Tom, Dick and Harry opening up an online service, the buyer always has an option of deciding where to buy from. And if you really think, $5.00 is not enough to get value for then you might just want to look for a better place for a better service.<br> But FIVERR is not all that bad. Just as in the case of any other product or, service you are bound to find some bad ones and have some bad experiences as well. But you will be able to avoid all of this if you can spend some time and do your due diligence. There are tons of reviews for most of the sellers on FIVERR. And FIVERR sellers thrive on this reputation. Also keep in mind that these reviews and feedback are from genuine buyers. So there is no reason why it will be biased or, ingenuine.<br> FIVERR has a lot of extremely good quality sellers and if you are ready to spend some time finding them, you can get some nice services done for a fraction of what it would cost you elsewhere.<br> A couple of years ago, I first recommended FIVERR as a seller to my young brother. He was battling with unemployment. What worse could somebody go through than losing a job that was paying extremely well and that too unexpectedly. A dearth of good jobs, thanks to the IT recession added to his woes. His expertise was in graphics designing. He had a nice eye for colors and designs and was exceptionally talented.<br> I found that designers were doing very good on FIVERR and there was a lot of demand for infographics. I recommended him to start a gig there for infographic creation. Until then I used FIVERR as a buyer only. He took my advice and setup a gig for infographic creation. He did not have to wait long. He got his first order on the 2nd day. And that was just the beginning. In just about 15 days he was buried deep into orders. There were more than 30 orders pending. The first month he earned about $600. That was big money for somebody who had just lost his job. He continued with his FIVERR gig for about 4 months. And by then he had realized the power of freelancing and being self-employed.<br> Today he does freelancing for multiple high value clients and runs his own business.<br> Why am I telling you this story?<br> If you are struggling with making money, then FIVERR could just be the place which can help you with the push required. Making Money with Fiverr is not that difficult and it could help you get started with your Internet Marketing business.<br> There are numerous sellers on FIVERR who rely solely on the income they generate from FIVERR. And that should be enough to tell you the kind of money you can make selling $5 gigs.<br> So how you do start and How will you be able to stand out from the crowd?<br> Making Money with FIVERR – The Basics<br> Starting off with Fiverr is pretty simple.