4 Steps to Creating Successful Results with High Self-esteem

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about 4 Steps to Creating Successful Results with High Self-esteem. Having high self-esteem will give you the edge you need to apply confidence to every situation that demands it. Self-esteem is the combination of trust and belief in your talents and the ability to successfully complete the task at hand. It all starts with a clear identification of your talents, complemented by your understanding of their value. When you can acknowledge the value in your talents, you can acknowledge the value in yourself and that builds your self-esteem. The bottom line is that high self-esteem contributes to successful action because when action is supported by confidence, you encourage the likelihood for positive results. Approach any situation with low self-esteem and you could be setting yourself up for failure. The first step in creating high self-esteem is first understanding the value you bring to every situation. If you're missing an understanding of who you really are, it's difficult to effectively apply yourself in the situations that come your way. Through a series of four steps, you will learn how to grasp an understanding of your strengths and talents and how they contribute value to all situations. Lastly, you will understand how to build trust in your ability to deliver future successful results. We will discuss each of the 4 steps more in detail. They are: 1. Identify your strengths and talents 2. Identify your accomplishments 3. Create new accomplishments you can be proud of 4. How to trust yourself to be successful in every situation When you apply your high self-esteem to your business, you have the competitive edge. With high self-esteem, you'll know you're the right person for the job because you will have a keen understanding of your talents and the value you bring to the situation. Complement that with the confidence in your ability to deliver what the situation calls for and you have the winning combination. That winning combination will give you the confidence to present yourself effectively to the client and obtain business or get the job. When you can convey your high self-esteem to people, they will want to do business with you and look forward to it – plain and simple. You Rule! To help keep you focused on the activities that produce the results you want, subscribe to The Accountability Coach Blog at www.AccountabilityCoachBlog.com. Invest in the 30-day Self-study Course so you can begin achieving your goals in the time frame you want so you can have the life you want. Get started by going to: http://www.accountabilitycoach.com Aim for what you want each and every day!