Interview with Willie Jolley on An Attitude of Excellence

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Summary: Our special guest today is Willie Jolley. Willie has been called the most powerful speaker, singer and author combinations in the world today! He speaks to major companies and organizations around the world… and has developed a reputation for results! And you know my motto is Excuses Don’t Count and Results do Rule! He’s authored two international best-selling books: “It Only Takes a Minute To Change Your Life!” and “A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback.” And his newest book, “An Attitude of Excellence” is creating a great buzz! Because Willie Jolley’s goal is to help you grow and exceed your goals I thought he would be a great person to interview today. Are you ready for the Willie Jolley Experience! Anne: Willie, let’s start off our time today by talking about Attitude. How does one create an Attitude of Excellence, if we currently don’t have one? Anne: Willie, you wrote a book called “It Only Takes A Minute To Change Your Life!” You’ve heard many people say it takes 21 days to change a habit. I believe we can change a habit in a second. Just choose to change it and you can change it. Anne: I’d like to get your perspective on this Willie. How does a person go about taking a minute to change their life, assuming they know they need to make some changes in order to get from where they are now to where they want to be in life? Anne: As you heard, I’m a believer in having a balanced life. How do you suggest people listening to this call today have an even more balanced life so they can grow and exceed their goals? To help keep you focused on the activities that produce the results you want, subscribe to The Accountability Coach Blog at Invest in the 30-day Goal Achievement self-study program so you can begin achieving your goals in the time frame you want so you can have the life you want. This program is effective & powerful at improving every area in your life in 30 days' time. This program will change "bad" habits into habits that will lead you to achieving ALL your personal and business goals. Get started by going to: Aim for what you want each and every day! Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day.