China, Russia try to cool North Korea-US tension

Mandarin show

Summary: China and Russia have sought to soothe tensions between the United States and North Korea as US president Donald Trump declares he is ready to act alone on North Korea.   But while he has been vocal about the fleet of US navy ships ... (朝鲜半岛的紧张局势日前进一步升级。美国总统特朗普表示,如果中国不采取行动向朝鲜施压,美国将会单独行动。 目前美国的航母战斗群正在逼近朝鲜半岛,而中国和俄罗斯正在美国和朝鲜之间斡旋,试图缓解双方的紧张关系。请听记者吴音的报道。  )