Digital Production Buzz – June 28, 2012

Digital Production Buzz show

Summary: Join Larry Jordan and Michael Horton as they talk with: Robert Slutske, Industry Expert Bob Slutske, an industry expert in efficiencies and effectiveness of media issues, tells us stories of how it was, how it is and how it just might be in the future. As George Santayana once wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” We are eager to get Bob’s take on the future. Cristina Clapp, Editorial Director, New Bay Media Cristina Clapp, Editorial Director of New Bay Media, reports on DV Expo – East and DV Expo – West. DV Expo is a great opportunity to take the pulse of our industry by checking in with key vendors and technology. Michele Yamazaki, VP Marketing & Pluginologist, ToolFarm Our favorite Pluginologist, Michele Yamazaki, is back to update us on the latest from Tool Farm. Plug-ins are the life-blood of every editing system – and Michele understands plug-ins like no one else. It’s going to be a great time this week, learning about all the latest toys, um, tools this week. Stacey Duncan, Sr. Worldwide Marketing Mgr, Branded, HGST, a Western Digital Company Creativity needs tools and when a hardware company gets behind boosting creative thinking, a great synergy can happen. Stacey Duncan, Sr. Worldwide Marketing Mgr, Branded at HGST, talks about G-Technology and reveals a new competition for filmmakers that you just may want to enter.