Something amazing always happen when…

Xtra Xtra Presented By VDG Sports show

Summary: Something amazing always happen when…<br> <br> Can you recall last season?<br> All about not saying “no”!<br> I try to get fuel less as possible.<br> Not knocking you…make that money!<br> I owe you everything.<br> Maxed out on adventure.<br> Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.<br> Something happens!<br> When to play the game?<br> Danger. Danger.<br> Next decade? Next century?<br> Afternoon it is…<br> So far everything looks sort of normal…<br> Choices!!!<br> Convertible? Nah, that’s too much action!!!<br> Sports car?!?!<br> Minivan?!?!<br> My thought process…<br> A dog, a big dog!<br> Doing the stuff they say don’t do.<br> Why are you not going to hold it with your hand, Vince?<br> Chill. Relax. Mellow. No adventure here.<br> Made it this far and nothing has happened.<br> I’m a robot.<br> Smelling something.<br> I know that smell.<br> That’s what everybody “do”<br> How much time do I have left?<br> Tim Tebow playing baseball? Thanks but no thanks1<br> Hope Solo #TheEnd<br> <br>