Be oblivious to charging something to the game…

Xtra Xtra Presented By VDG Sports show

Summary: Be oblivious to charging something to the game…<br> <br> Glad that’s no longer the topic…<br> One thing I will admit other than…<br> Health nut? Nah… don’t think I’m gonna get there!<br> That’s TOO much work!!!<br> Never gonna happen!<br> Who organize to organize — organise to organise<br> Charge it to the game…<br> I’m not going to corrupt you!<br> I have to say that’s a good thing.<br> Decode! Decode!<br> I champion your feel goodness!<br> Falling off the rails…<br> There’s nothing wrong with…<br> We are always on the same page!<br> Not gonna be that guy<br> NBA<br> <br>