Sports Over Beers - Sports Media Roundtable

The Radio Blast: A Sports Podcast show

Summary: <br> The Super Bowl is past, March Madness is still a few weeks away.  So that means it's time to gather up the boys and talk sports over a few beers.<br> We took the show on the road to <a href="">Big Ditch Brewing</a> in Buffalo, NY and were joined by <a href="">Tyler Dunne</a> (<a href="">Bleacher Report</a>) and <a href="">Brian Moritz</a> (<a href="">Sports Media Guy</a>).  We cover a whole lot of sports and sports media topics including:<br> <br> Finding your "voice" as a sports writer<br> Are dynasties good for sports?<br> Is the NFL on the brink of decline?<br> Does sports need villians?<br> Biggest storyline/hyperbole/myth that you're sick of hearing<br> The ethics involved in discovering private team information<br> Have they ever been approached by an agent or team official to spin a story?<br> ...and would they rather be Jeter on the field of off the field? (Hint: one of us had their wife sitting 3 feet away)<br> <br> My huge thanks to Tyler and Brian for this extended conversation.  And of course to the great crew at <a href="">Big Ditch Brewing</a> for their hospitality.  If you're in Buffalo make sure you stop by and try their <a href="">tasty beers</a> and <a href="">food</a>.<br>