Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 02.16.17

Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour show

Summary: NO NUKES IN SOLARTOPIA: coming ever closer as we speak with three women key to the movement to end nuclear power in California.<br> JANE SWANSON and LINDA SEELEY from the San Luis Obispo MOTHERS FOR PEACE join DONNA GILMORE from Orange County and the triumphant campaign to shut San Onofre.<br> New studies have shown California has a glut of power and no need for the errant, dangerous, radioactive power from the two reactors at Diablo Canyon, which dump 2.5 billion gallons of hot water every day into the ocean.<br>  Meanwhile the accumulated waste at San Onofre is being shoved into substandard casks that will corrode, crack and leak into the coming centuries with horrific impacts on our natural planet.<br>  The good news:  the nuke industry is collapsing, and we have ample renewable technologies to replace ALL these reactors in a short period of time.