Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 03.09.17

Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour show

Summary: WILL NUCLEAR POWER’S DEATH SPIRAL KILL US ALL?<br> <br> We greet three great expert activists to discuss the downfall of nuke power and the insane wave of corrupt state legislatures forking over billions to keep dying reactors on line.<br> <br> KEVIN KAMPS from Beyond Nuclear in DC, DAVE KRAFT from Chicago's Nuclear Energy Information Service and TIM JUDSON of the DC-based Nuclear Information &amp; Resource Service<br> join us in Solartopia to examine massive bailout efforts in Ohio, Illinois, New York and elsewhere.<br> <br> We begin by assessing the final collapse of the push for new nukes in the US, especially with the collapse of Westinghouse and France’s Areva.<br> <br> But we then examine the far more terrifying turf of dying old uncompetitive nukes being kept on line with huge state-based hand-outs.<br> <br> Basically it boils down to your money AND your life.  <br> <br>