Holistic Approach to the Theory of Constraints

Business901 show

Summary: The Business901 Podcast featured John G. Schleier, Jr. and James F. Cox III authors of the upcoming book, Theory of Constraints Handbook. In this authoritative volume, the world's top Theory of Constraints (TOC) experts reveal how to implement the ground-breaking management and improvement methodology developed by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt. Theory of Constraints Handbook offers an in-depth examination of this revolutionary concept of bringing about global organization performance improvement by focusing on a few leverage points of the system. Theory of Constraints concepts and tools are aimed at one overriding objective: bringing about a process of ongoing improvement in enterprises. That said, the purpose of this book is to provide “hands on” guidance from the world’s top experts on how to implement these TOC capabilities. This guidance is buttressed by clear definition on how they work, why they work, what issues are resolved and what benefits accrue. Leading practitioners provide guidance based on their hands-on implementation experience. Academic authors give a review of the wealth of literature on why to move from the traditional discipline to each TOC discipline and a review of the TOC literature in that discipline. Indeed these ideas are of such a scope that this Handbook required 44 authors to explain them. James F. Cox III John G. Schleier, Jr. This podcast was such a great selection of stories, insights and TOC theory that I ended up splitting it in half. This weeks podcast centered on TOC and the holistic principles that drive it. Next week, part 2 will discuss TOC thinking principles and how they apply not only in industry but on the personal level.