Using the Theory of Constraints in Services

Business901 show

Summary: The Business901 Podcast featured John Arthur Ricketts, a distinguished engineer at IBM Corporate Headquarters. As a consulting partner and technical executive, he has dealt with many services management issues, including those faced by clients in their own services businesses. His work in applied analytics led him to become a focal point on Theory of Constraints (TOC), and then to delve deeply into its potential for services management. John is very informative with a practical approach to applying TOC to services. I believe anyone involved in continuous improvement field will benefit from this podcast. John is also a practitioner and innovator in the field of Theory of Constraints. His book, Reaching The Goal: How Managers Improve a Services Business Using Goldratt's Theory of Constraints , was published in 2008 by IBM Press. Reviewers on soon gave it a five-star rating. And Dr. Eli Goldratt, founder of the Theory of Constraints, said it’s one of the best books ever written on TOC. John is also the author of "Theory of Constraints in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (Chapter 29 of Theory of Constraints Handbook) ,” a chapter in the Theory of Constraints Handbook published in 2010. Related Posts: Your Internal Marketing Constraint is still Important Quickest way to deal with a Marketing Constraint, Slice it! Problem Solving – Think 3, Not 5 Improve throughput, cut your customers in half!