Episode 90 - Bull Durham/Varsity Blues

So I Married A Movie Geek show

Summary: SPORTS! DOUBLE! FEATURE! Men playing with their balls and stuff! Don't you just love it?!? We sure do! So much so that we chose this week as the one in which Krissy would finally watch one of the most famous sports movies of all time: Varsity Blues! No wait...Bull Durham? What about BOTH OF THEM!?!? Right? You're feeling a little tingly in the nether regions just thinking of all this sports-related conversation, aren't you? We have to admit that this podcast is seriously cray cray. It includes an amazingly convoluted discussion of Kevin Costner monologues, "Space Beer Mountain," strip club car washes and brew-thrus, "Sex Gepettos," whipped cream bikinis, terrible Southern accents, sex and sports performance, The Dawson and much MUCH more. This episode is also rated R for our 2nd explicit ITunes certification in a row! We're sorry, our unborn child and people who loathe cursing.