Games maybe your only chance to attract the best and brightest talent

Business901 show

Summary: Games have changed the way we play and the way we work. In the  blog post's Chief Scientist on Why Gamification is the Future of Work, it says, Rangaswami outlines how and why gamification will shape the future of work. As a new generation of knowledge workers land in jobs at organizations big and small, they're bringing with them different expectations and are motivated differently than workers once were. One way to motivate those workers is by incorporating game mechanics into the workplace, especially when it comes to rewarding worker performance. One way to motivate those workers is by incorporating game mechanics into the workplace, especially when it comes to rewarding worker performance. I decided rather than discussing gaming with a bunch of 50 year old marketers it might be better to just go to Gemba (the real place). I found one of the top Gamer’s in the world and  discussed with him the art of gaming. His insights into teamwork, respect for people and planning skills are interesting. After listening to this podcast, I think you may find less to worry about in the future generation. In fact, the number one reason your organization needs to understand gaming is it may be your only chance to attract the best and brightest talent in the future. My guest, Peter is part of a highly rated team (sGty) playing the game Heroes of Newerth, HoN.  Peter can be found @peterpandam on Twitter where he posts the time of his live stream games. The recorded streams are available on Justin TV. His Facebook page is Peterpandam. Related Information: Is every Boardroom discussing Gamification? Is yours? Three more ways to Improve your Marketing! The Strategy of the Fighter Pilot Revisited Lean Thinking: Prototype early and often