265: Mika and ROGUE ONE are awesome

Rise & Shout show

Summary: <br> Matt and Adam break down the awesome College Football Playoff championship game and predict this week’s NFL Playoffs. Then it’s on to BYU hoops. Just how awesome is Eric Mika? What must the Cougars due in order to beat St. Mary’s or Gonzaga later in the season? Also on the show, they discuss exactly why ROGUE ONE is such an awesome movie (SPOILER warning for the end of the show).<br> Subscribe to the show <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rise-shout/id404706109?mt=2">on iTunes</a> or any other popular podcast service. Follow the podcast on Facebook <a href="http://www.facebook.com/riseandshout">www.facebook.com/riseandshout</a><br>