Challenging The Challenger Sale

Business901 show

Summary: What sets apart the The Challenger Sales Reps? Who so happen to be the most successful sales reps. In the book, The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation author Matt Dixon points out are six attribute that showed them statistically significant in defining someone as a Challenger rep: Offers the customer unique perspectives Has strong two-way communication skills Knows the individual customer s value drivers Can identify economic drivers of the customers business Is comfortable discussing money Can pressure the customer Matt Dixon, an executive director of strategic research at CEB, has an unrelenting drive to find the answers to questions senior executives often take for granted. For more than 15 years, Matt has worked to uncover the truth behind many pillars of conventional wisdom in sales and customer service, often overturning long-held assumptions that are costing companies dearly in terms of wasted money and lost market opportunity. Matt was my podcast guest last week, Need Customers, Create an Effortless Experience, where we discussed his latest book, The Effortless Experience: Conquering the New Battleground for Customer Loyalty. This podcast will get you up to speed on the latest thoughts on one of the most significant sales book written in the past several years. My Thoughts about The Challenger Sale: Lean Salespeople are Challengers, not Problem Solvers Lean Engagement Team Marketing with Lean Book Series