Locker Room Talk -S1E10 with Sara & Kelly

WiSP Sports show

Summary: This week's episode discusses the all important topic of sports bras and the finer points of their development. <a href="">Sara Gross</a> &amp; <a href="">Kelly O'Mara</a> are joined by Mary Helen Shashy who developed the Cheata Bra, which offers optimum support and comfort for athletes in all sports. We hear how Mary Helen found a way to minimize the bounce which causes the pain that larger women suffer without enough support. You can enter to win a <a href="">Cheata Bra</a> by going to <a href=""></a> and clicking on the contest sign-up form, and you can also find more conversations from the world of women's sports there. Follow us on social media @WiSP Sports and contact us at <a href=""></a>.