Episode 48: Cosy Crazy

Yarns from the Plain show

Summary: Hello from a sunny spot in Oxfordshire. This episode I'm out and about, taking advantage of the lovely weather! Woolsack Update Cushions are taking over my life. If you don't hear from me for a while, you'll find me under a pile of cushion squares and stuffing... I've finished sets 9 squares for Guild cushions, seamed my sixth cushion and made a start on blocking the 4 inch squares sent in by you, my lovely listeners. Spinning I've spun up some Falkland sliver (gorgeous to spin!) that I dyed myself. I also spun up some dyed carded Gotland. Knitting I'm using that handspun to make another cushion, this time the Make Do and Mend pattern. Here's the Union flag in progress on the train. Review Knit Today magazine, May 2012 issue. Something I really like: The Massed Bands of Her Majesty's Royal Marines at the Mountbatten Festival of Music. Here's a link to a video of the Royal Marines Corps of Drums. Music: Rondopolska by Barry Philips, from the album Tråd, available from Magnatune. We have a listeners' map. Please go on over to pop in a pin - we're covering 4 continents now but I'd still love to see where you all are! Feel free to leave a comment here or at http://www.yarnsfromtheplain.blogspot.com/, or email me at yarnsfromtheplain AT googlemail DOT com. We have a Ravelry group here, so come on over to chat. You can find me on Ravelry as talesfromtheplain and on Twitter as talesfromplain (although Tweeting can be sporadic!). TTFN, Nic