Episode 58: Time To Say Goodbye

Yarns from the Plain show

Summary: Hello and welcome from an autumnal Cheshire Plain! In this episode I (finally) bid a fond farewell to a number of things close to my heart - but fret not, dear listeners, you are not amongst them! On and Off the Needles All Woolsack Cushions are now done! Woop woop! Since the last episode I have seamed the Make Do and Mend cushion that has a back that was knitted by Carotrike. The front was made in my own handspun that I had dyed before spinning. The blue and yellow were deliciously soft Falkland, the green was the grey Gotland that shed a lot of dodgy looking guard hairs as I spun (Details in Episode 48). I also finished the cushion based on the Circle socks by Anne Campbell. I knit it in the round using Judy’s Magic Cast On to reduce seaming. It’s made from Sheepfold's lovely Clotted Cream, a blended cream aranweight yarn. I dyed what was supposed to be Union Jack red and blue, but it turned out more pink and baby blue! I have also started an Elsa cardigan designed by the Natural Dye Studio, started and finished a Colour Affection Shawl as part of the iMake podcast knitalong... and started Adrift by Stolen Stitches in more NDS yarn. In The Weaving Shed The finished weaving off the loom before fulling... And then afterwards. Note how the warp has fluffed up. Here is the seamed cushion before being sent for stuffing. Full details are listed on Ravelry here. I also snuck in a quick Saori style Möbius cowl (details here). The photos are not great I'm afraid. Some of the other cowls that were made during the Weave-a-long can be seen here. Something I really like Nicsknots' bags! Chit Chat It's goodbye to Woolsack, the Sticks and String podcast and Fibre & Clay. But it's hello to Ruby at home in Namibia: Coco and Nic at home in Botswana: and Frank and Otto at home in South Africa! All photos courtesy of the Mother Bear photo gallery. Competition winner! We have our first London Souvenir winner! The first draw was from the first 100 members of the Ravelry group, and the winner is... well, you'll have to listn to find out! To be in with a chance of winning,make sure you've joined the group here or added a pin to the listeners' map! Links Babylonglegs Music Rondopolska by Barry Philips, from the album Tråd, available from Magnatune. We have a listeners' map. Please go on over to pop in a pin - we're covering 5 continents now but I'd still love to see where you all are! Feel free to leave a comment here or at http://www.yarnsfromtheplain.blogspot.com/, or email me at yarnsfromtheplain AT googlemail DOT com. We have a Ravelry group here, so come on over to chat. You can find me on Ravelry as talesfromtheplain and on Twitter as talesfromplain (although Tweeting can be sporadic!). TTFN, Nic xx