Episode 63: Pod Paaarrrty!

Yarns from the Plain show

Summary: Hello and welcome to a celebratory episode of the podcast. It's my third podiversary - woo hoo! Links CaithnessCraftCollective podcast Raspberry vodka recipe (the actual recipe is for gin but I used vodka instead) Damson gin recipe Christmas Pudding vodka recipe I can't find the exact recipe I used for the Damson brandy, but you could use the Damson gin one. The reason the one we sampled was so syruppy was because I used damsons from  the freezer that had been cooked in sugar with the intention of making jam, then followed the recipe and added more sugar! If I track the recipe down, I'll post an update. Music: Rondopolska by Barry Philips, from the album Tråd, available from Magnatune.   We have a listeners' map. Please go on over to pop in a pin - we're covering 5 continents now but I'd still love to see where you all are! Feel free to leave a comment here or at http://www.yarnsfromtheplain.blogspot.com/, or email me at yarnsfromtheplain AT googlemail DOT com. We have a Ravelry group here, so come on over to chat. You can find me on Ravelry as talesfromtheplain and on Twitter as talesfromplain (although Tweeting can be sporadic!). TTFN Nic x