Go Fund THIS!

lotsl show

Summary: <br> The little progrum begins with a letter to LOTSL written and read by LOTSL long time listener and friend of the show, Cathy Marshall.  Then, with special guest, <a href="http://pinkwheelnuts.com/">the Fey Driver</a>, the LOTSL gang discusses Toppie's apartment project, and dubious mail opening practices; our own personal banking practices; celebrity deaths -- was this an unusual year?; Buzz Aldrin, the South Pole, agism and the dangers of seeking thrills; the latest in crazy GO FUND ME efforts; plastic rice from China; LOTSL health tips -- drink more water; and finally what are we watching on the television machine?<br> Call us at 949-41-LOTSL (949-415-6875)<br> Write us at Lifeontheshitlist@gmail.com<br>