Risk, God the Spirit & Us

mootuk show

Summary: Ian Mobsby, one of the founding members of Moot, explores the issue of risk, 'the body of Christ', God the Holy Spirit, or more metaphorically God the Sustainer & Challenger. This God unsettles things, stirred things up, encouraged people to move on, to attempt to catch up with what God the Trinity was doing.  In this homily Ian quotes the words of Metropolitan Anthony of the Russian Orthodox Church in his book "The Living Body of Christ" The Church is not just the Eucharistic community, but is an extension of the incarnation; it encompasses all matter, all creation, all of humanity where the Holy Spirit is at work... There is a difference between tradition and traditionalism, as the outworking of the Holy Spirit through risk since Pentecost.  Tradition is life-giving where traditionalism fossilises and kills.  Many churches steeped in traditionalism have become liturgical ghettos.  The true nature of the Church since Pentecost, is to be outward-looking, open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and willing to take risks: it should be a missionary community.  A Community of Servants full of love".