Passions and Virtues

mootuk show

Summary: On the 4th Sunday of Lent 2010, Ian Mobsby explores the theme of passions and virtues, and the need for inner freedom. Reflecting on the parable of the Prodigal Son and the story of Jesus going into the desert for 40 days, Ian explores the call for people to face their innerselves, their thinking and their sense of inner health. Moot is beginning its exploration as a New Monastic Community, to explore the need for some explicit spiritual practices, virtues and postures to assist people to go deeper with the Community's Rhythm of Life. If you neglect your inner self, then in extreme circumstances you will be held captive by your inner compulsions and addictions, which will feel like you are being controlled by an outer force preventing your autonomy.  It will literally feel like you are being controlled by a demon. It is important that we face our need for inner freedom as well as outward liberation.