Buy These MotherFunkers When Politics Tick You Off

Rent Roy from Jazz Joy and Roy show

Summary: See our Rent Roy page at if looking for a traveling Pop/Country/Rock/Dance Music/Top 40/Christian Music/R&B/Jazz/Big Band/Polka DJ or audio consultant to work in person or online...Rent Roy, good idea!! Sandy and Mike H. …You guys were great, Kathy! And tell Roy thank you so much, had a lot of people say the music was wonderful!________________ ____Rent Roy____________ ________________Lee C: …The DJ work you did for us has already earned you referrals, Roy. __________________ ___Rent Roy__________________Dean of Jan and Dean’s, a famed Furniture store in Arizona USA. …I am so happy with your work at our store, Roy, that I’m having you back for an even bigger Jan & Dean’s event!___________________ ___Rent Roy___________________Patti T. …Thank You for the fantastic job you and Kathy did for The Sun City Republican Club’s Christmas Party! Your undeniable voice, personality, and great music selections made it a hit! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Look forward to your services in 2017 and gladly recommend you. ________________ ___Rent Roy_____________ Evan M. …Roy you ol swamp dog, loving all that Merle Hagggard you’re playing son! ________________ _____Rent Roy___________ ________________ Martin C. …Love that little thing you did about Hell, Norway. Now I can finally buy my mother-in-law a plane ticket and tell her to go to Hell! ________________ _____Rent Roy___________ ________________ Candy V. …Your screw politics/screw each other show is one of my favorites. But my husband and I think you’re completely out of your mind if you believe couples are shagging for the full 3 hours! ________________ _____Rent Roy___________ ________________ Johnny R. …I am a graduate student and I just wanted to drop you a note of thanks for the series you did on college students, Roy. It has become part of my playlist when I study. ________________ _____Rent Roy___________ ________________ Frances E. …Ok, so I was surfing radio shows and everybody is like, yep, we’re going to hell in a hand basket, but then I come across your show, Roy and I don’t remember what you were saying, but I felt like everything’s going to be fine! And judging from your website I’m not the only one who feels that way. What a gift. ________________ _____Rent Roy___________ ________________ Martha N. …Roy, I have flash drives full of your political and straight music programs. I think the reason why my husband, who is a lawyer, downloads your shows almost as much as me is because you two sound almost exactly alike. Maybe that’s also the reason I feel so drawn to you. ________________ _____Rent Roy___________ ________________ Karen J. …I followed the suggestion you made on your Republican Celebration show and texted my non-Republican friends a few reasons whey they ought to dance or do the tango with us Republicans, because divided we fall, and so on. I’m surprised at how well received my message was. Appreciate the tip, Roy. ________________ ____Rent Roy____________ ________________ Joyce M. …Thanks for the Kenny Rogers Christmas gift. I am really enjoying it. You might not remember me, but I was in the crowd that was gathered around you when you did your broadcast from Saddleback Church, where I am still a member. I’ll never forget, when I told you your talent is taller than your height you said you were almost taller than Tom Cruise! ____Rent Roy____________ ________________ ________________ Kim S. …I grew up on John Lennon, and was pleased as punch to hear the touching tribute you did on your show. Thanks. ________________ ___Rent Roy_____________ ________________Martin S. …What a pleasant shock to hear you spin Bono and Frank Sinatra singing together. ________________ ________________ ____Rent Roy____________ Angela A. I have been a Florida Republican for a long time, Roy, but I don’t recall hearing about any other radio personality broadcasting this kind of all out public celebration for the republicans. I have no idea how you escaped left