The JaK Attack! Episode 17.13 - The JaK Attack! podcast

The JaK Attack! Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to show number 2017.13, sprat-o-leenies!!<br> Show Notes<br> <br> Windsor Nova Scotia really is the home of Sam Slick!<br> Jon babbles about his fish tank. Mystery Snails and Cobra Guppies.<br> Kelly re-discovers James Blunt<br> 09:08 - Kelly's Corner<br> <br> Hoverboards are dumb.<br> Androids meshing with humans on Live Science!<br> Jon hijacks the show for a few minutes. Flashback!!!<br> Kelly finds the Transparent Touchpad. Flexible, possibly wearable, touchpads.<br> Perhaps the word Hydrogel word is being used too much.<br> Jon forgets Kelly's Corner.<br> <br> <br> 20:00 - Jon babbles about privacy<br> <br> Today is National "Sell All Your Data Day!" in the United States<br> Canada's PIPEDA act<br> Canadian personal information consent information includes browser history.<br> Michael Geist post about PIPEDA where Jon pulled a lot of his data from.<br> 2008 Federal ruling about personal information, eh?<br> European Union's Data Localization laws will only allow EU data to be transferred to 11 countries. Weirdly, 2 of them are Five-Eyes countries.<br> <br> <br> 41:00 - Shout outs and Bork Outs<br> <br> Someone gives away death-row dogs! We have no link. Deal.<br> Heart Warm, not "Heart Worm"!<br> <br> <br> 44:40 - Listener Feedback<br> <br> FreeBSD, bitches!<br> <br> <br> <br> OGG ME!<br> The JaK Attack! 2017.13 - OGG