Oz Arts:Anh Do and the Melb Comedy Festival

Mandarin show

Summary: Surviving 4 days at sea and pirate attacks, language barriers, divorcing parents, being broke, experiencing bullies, becoming a lawyer, then Comedian of the Year, Vietnamese-born Anh Do certainly has a life journey that most of us would listen to ... (越来越多的亚裔或跟亚洲有关的笑星将在3月29日到4月23日之间的墨尔本国际喜剧节上粉墨登场。说到澳大利亚的亚裔笑星,就不能跳过Anh Do。Anh Do两岁时跟着父母逃离刚刚结束战争的越南,乘着小船来到澳洲。他们全家在逆境中挣扎,经历了白手起家、生意破产、父母离婚,却没有丢掉乐观的精神,总是咧着嘴微笑并给大家带来欢乐的Anh Do也被誉为是最快乐的难民。欢迎收听吴音讲述Anh Do的传奇故事。)