Amplified Good with Joey Womack

Cool Soror with Rashan Ali show

Summary: <br> The Cool Bruh feature of the week is back with Alpha Man, Joey Womack! This creative innovator is behind two of the most genius organizations this country has seen.<br> Joey is at the helm of Goodie Nation and Amplify 4 Good. Goodie Nation is a social impact pre-accelerator that provides a role for all people to play in an innovative process solving some of the world’s toughest problems. The organization’s programming develops innovator through training and support as well as social enterprises via a 6-month process. Their goal is to become a world leader at empowering individuals to solve problems for their own communities.<br> Amplify 4 Good teaches talented and passionate people to think like tech startup entrepreneurs in order to solve problems. They believe their goal in making great organizations more productive and efficient is a faster way to create change than starting something new.<br> Joey Womack epitomizes a forward thinker and you will hear how his level of brilliance is helping individuals, entrepreneurs and corporations make unbelievable social impact. It goes without saying that Joey is a giver and a doer. His heart is in it for the betterment of people. This is why the “good” he does and the good he helps others do is always “amplified.”<br> Social Media<br> IG: @amplify4good @goodienation<br><br><br>