First Look -- February 20, 2017

SBJ Morning Buzzcast show

Summary: Welcome to First Look, a behind-the-scenes look at this week’s issue of SportsBusiness Journal. Today’s discussion includes Executive Editor Abe Madkour, Senior Writer Bill King, College Writer Michael Smith and Motorsports Writer Adam Stern. Time stamps: 0:00: Madkour introduces the topics in this week’s podcast 1:25: Madkour, King and Smith discuss this week’s profile of former University of Texas athletic director DeLoss Dodds, including: — Dodds as a power player in the Big 12 — What endeared him to the UT community — Dodds’ legacy in the industry — The future of the AD position at Texas 7:10: All four panelists talk about the 2017 NASCAR season, including: — How Monster Energy will activate its title sponsorship after having such a short time to prepare — With only a two-year deal, what Monster will look for to determine whether to stay with the sport — How connectivity at tracks might change with Sprint no longer involved — Suggestions for NASCAR to accelerate interest in the sport 21:20: Madkour and King on this week’s profile of Michael Rubin, CEO of Fanatics 22:30: Madkour and King pay tribute to the late Mike Ilitch, owner of the Detroit Red Wings and Tigers