PGP36 Tagging up with PokemonGoFM

Pokémon GO Podcast show

Summary: <br> You asked and we answered! Pokemon GO Podcast has teamed up with Pokemon GO FM to bring you a super show! Bagelnoob and Yan jump right in and we start talking <a href="">egg changes</a>, bug obsessions, what the filthy casual Charles has that Noob wants, and plenty of PoGo news! While this episode is a bit more chaotic than our usual path we still cover things like the <a href="">Berlin Mega Nes</a>t and followed up with the <a href="">Silph Road nest hijinks</a>.<br> It turns out that Yan and Charles have a ton in common like the lack of drooling over the minutia of Pokemon, the love of red, and still loving playing the game as a casual player. Joe and BagelNoob love the minutia, can go back and forth with no reference material handy, but Joe shows why he is the golden standard in playing Pogo with his experience of the week.<br> <a href="">We have a way to possibly bypass the speed restriction as a passenger.</a><br> And we get some great emails from Ariel and Poopytar this week.<br> Thanks to our awesome Patrons we will keep producing and improving.   With your help we can all “catch ‘em all,” and you can start by going to <a href=""></a> and growing your community!  We thank you all, for your support, and we hope you can help us serve you better as the show continues to grow and evolve.<br> Thanks to ALL of our awesome listeners, especially our Patrons.  Due to their generous Patronage we will continue building this great community!<br> Pokémon GO Podcast is sponsored by the <a href="">Satchel Podcast Player</a><br>  <br> You can Tweet at <a href="">Bagelnoob</a> and <a href="">Yan</a> and make sure to checkout the <a href="">Pokémon GO FM</a> website!<br>  <br> Follow Pokémon GO Podcast on <a href="">Facebook</a>, <a href="">Twitter</a>, <a href="">Reddit</a>, and <a href="">Poké</a><br> Hosts: <a href="">Charles McFall</a>, <a href="">Joseph Ard</a>, <a href="">Brian Ibbott</a>, <a href="">Beau York</a>, and friends<br> Producer at Large: Mike Woodard<br> Publisher:  Chris Wisdom<br> Pokémon GO Podcast is a proud member of the <a href="">Giant Size Team Up Network</a>.<br>