39 – Jody’s Juniors: Teaching our next generation of Dog Show Handlers

Pure Dog Talk show

Summary:  <br> Jody Davidson - Jody's Juniors<br> Once upon a time a Junior Handler herself, Jody Davidson is a professional dog trainer, member of Assoc of Professional Dog Trainers and Canine Good Citizen Evaluator.  Located in Arizona, Jody leads a team of young dog show enthusiasts to become not only good handlers, but the life skills of responsibility, discipline and compassion.<br> <br> From chores to grooming, lessons on toenail, healthy poop, heatstroke, sportsmanship, and nutrition; Jody's Juniors learn how to care for and train dogs.<br> <br> We hope you enjoy episode #39 of Pure Dog Talk!<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Contact Jody's Juniors