THR 3/4/17: Trump's Powerful, Stirring Speech

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Michael Medved reflects on President Trump’s powerful and emotional address to Congress and the American people. Sheriff David Clarke examines Trump’s position and policies on immigration on the Mike Gallagher Show. Hugh Hewitt catches up with Andy Puzder—the man who should have been Secretary of Labor until the left mobilized to harass and intimidate him and his family. Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, joins Michael Medved to discuss how the Republican Party can govern effectively. John Lott, author of “The War on Guns”, disputes a recent study aimed at misinforming the public about the relationship between crime and guns. Michael Medved discusses the infamous snafu at the Academy Awards when La La Land was mistakenly named Best Picture. Sean Hannity converses with Hugh Hewitt about the Democrats’ failed policies.