THR 3/11/17: The Nightmare of Obamacare Is About to End

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: On the Hugh Hewitt Show, Senator Ron Johnson calls the unknown person who leaked confidential CIA materials a traitor. Vice President Mike Pence joins the Mike Gallagher Show to explain what is in the health care bill that will replace Obamacare. Conversation about the new bill continues with Hugh Hewitt who interviews Texas Congressman Kevin Brady. Mike Gallagher speaks with National Review’s Andrew McCarthy about President Trump’s claims that Obama wiretapped him during the presidential campaign. Senator Tom Cotton weighs in on North Korea’s latest provocations and shares what President Trump has done to help protect allies in the region. Michael Medved reports on Middlebury College—the latest example of “tolerant” liberals who verbally attacked a speaker because of his conservative views. Ronna Romney McDaniel, the former chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, brings Mike Gallagher up to date on the strength of the Republican Party. Larry Elder exposes the hypocrisy of those who attacked Dr. Ben Carson for calling slaves who were brought to America immigrants.