THR 3/18/17: A Special Edition on the American Health Care Act

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: In this special edition of the Townhall Review, we take a closer look at the American Health Care Act--the Republican bill that will repeal significant portions of the failing Obamacare law and replace it with free market solutions. First up, the Hoover Institution's Lanhee Chen speaks with Michael Medved about the strengths of the bill. Chair of the House Budget Committee Diane Black joins the Hugh Hewitt Show to discuss the difficult task of crafting a bill that will survive the reconciliation process. Dennis Prager brings cool and sedate reason to the Democratic fury over the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report. Mike Gallagher continues the conversation on the CBO outlook with Rep. Kevin Brady, chairman of House Ways and Means Committee. Dennis Prager talks with the Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel about why it's so important the Republicans pass this bill. Hugh Hewitt interviews House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy about the process of making this bill a law. Larry Elder wraps up the program by looking at why the costs of health care have risen so dramatically.