How Use Your Mind the Way It Was Designed & What Will People Remember About You When You Die?

Something You Should Know show

Summary: Next time you are stressed, there is one particular song you need to listen to – it’s Weightless by Macaroni Union. In this episode, I’ll explain what is so magical about this song and where to find it. Also, are you using your mind correctly? The demands of the world require your mind to adapt but it doesn’t always adapt very well. For example, we think we multi-tasking is a good way to get more done – when in fact, it is not. It’s just not what the brain is wired for. Thomas Sterner, author of the book, The Practicing Mind (, explores better way to use your mind that will allow you to be more productive and happier. Then, I imagine you have thought about this question once or twice: “What will they say about you when you are gone?” Rabbi Daniel Cohen, author of the book, What Will They Say About You When You Are Gone ( joins me to talk about this universal quest of wanting to lead a life of significance – and how to actually do it. Finally, science has come up with some interesting ways to make you more attractive to the opposite sex. For example, women wear lipstick for a very good reason – men really find it appealing. But women find men appealing when they wear a T-shirt with a big T printed on the front. Why? I’ll explain this and more in today’s episode of the podcast.