Why "Follow Your Passion" is Horrible Advice & Secrets to Get the Best Price On a Car

Something You Should Know show

Summary: You probably think identity thieves are looking on the Internet to steal your identity. And while that is partly true – that is not the way most identities are stolen. In this episode, I am going tell you how you put yourself at risk and how to protect your identity from prying eyes. Plus, I bet you have heard the advice “Follow your passion…” or “Do what you love and the money will follow…” While that sounds great, it may be some of the worst advice you will ever hear when it comes to making a career choice. Cal Newport author of So Good They Can’t Ignore You” (http://amzn.to/2nGmhpZ) has investigated this advice – where it came from and why it is such bad advice. He’ll tell you why. Do you hate the process of buying a car? Most people do. Why is it so distasteful? And how do you stack the deck in your favor? That’s the topic discussed by my guest Peter Levy who founded Intellichoice in 1986 and his newest venture is www.CarJoJo.com. Few people know as much about car pricing and how negotiate for one. After you hear him, you will be better equipped next time you head into a show room. Finally, do you really have to pre-heat your oven? I’ll explain the science behind the answer to this very important kitchen question.