563: Republicans Move to Block Their Own Bill

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: It a move of pure defiance the freedom caucus appears to have the votes necessary to block the new Republican health care replacement. To call it a replacement is quite a stretch. In reality, it is a modification of the Affordable Care Act that leaves in place most of the mandates from the ACA. It's a far cry from the platform Republicans have run on for the last eight years. This hasn't stopped the Republican leadership from spreading doom and gloom. In an attempt to secure passage of the new Obamacare Lite bill, they are suggesting that if they cannot pass healthcare that tax cuts might be in jeopardy. Today I'll break down the why and tell you exactly what you need to know. *** Gorsuch is on Capital Hill this week giving testimony for his supreme court nomination. There's not much here worth covering, but that hasn't stopped the media from running the hearings in full. I've been watching for the last hour, and it's been night but Democrats attempting to catch Gorsuch in an incriminating statement while Republicans try to protect him. Gorsuch doesn't seem to need much protection. In my opinion, he has handled himself with incredible poise and clarity. I cannot see how he could not be confirmed. *** Finally, Twitter is shutting down accounts in record number. More than 636,000 accounts have been terminated due to what Twitter calls "extremism." Despite what some would like you to believe, this is not a freedom of speech issue. You don't have the right to say whatever you want on Twitter's platform. But this does cause me some concern when I think about how fragile the first amendment has become. Twitters hard line is just one example of how our society is becoming increasingly intolerant of views with which we disagree. Thanks so much for listening. Don't forget to like and share the show!